Thursday, May 20, 2010

For a Friend

A friend of mine, who has been giving me strong emotional support from the day I was divorced till today, is now at a point of depression when she discovered today that her son has been diagnosed with Influenza A. Further tests had been done for possible H1N1 infection, but results will only be known in about 24 hours.

I don't know what I could do to help alleviate her distress now as she awaits the results, but I do know that I've to reciprocate the kindness and care that she has shown to me for almost half a year. She's the most wonderful friend to have, and I will have her and her son in my prayers so that she will gain strength to go through each day, and that her son would recover from this illness.

Although she has her husband to care for her, she needs all the emotional support that she could get right now... from all of us who know her.

1 comment:

Lai Yeong King said...

hey sorry about the news...

Was in a shock too when I heard the news... Hope you could recover soon!

Cheer up!