Sunday, September 12, 2010

Me, the Writer

I love to write. I've written articles to newspaper editors, poems and a real life story which appeared in the Reader's Digest about 8-10 years ago - I was paid US$500 for that. I'm not a good writer; I don't have enough flair for writing a full-blown article or a short story.

Recently, a colleague coaxed me into writing an article in a commemorative magazine for the Peranakan Association of Melaka (PPCM). I was rather reluctant initially as I knew it's gonna take time, but I love sharing what I know about my peranakan culture with others, so when the Secretary of the association approached me one day, I agreed. I was told to write two pages.

Last night, at the 110th Anniversary dinner, the magazine was sold to guests. Writers were also given a token of appreciation for their contribution to the magazine. Here's what was published:

Front of the commemorative magazine

The 2nd and 3rd page of the article

Guess what? I was also given a special token in the form of cash! That was a real surprise to me. This token was presented by the President of the Melaka PPCM. I walked up proudly on stage to receive this gift. I felt like an important person for a fleeting moment under bright lights and with two cameras facing me. It's a darn waste that I didn't bring my camera or else I could blog about the dinner.

"So, you're Kevin, eh? I've heard a lot about you." the president said as he gave a broad smile and shook my hand. Gosh, I really don't know what people have been telling him about me - I hope it's good, or maybe he was just exaggerating, I don't know. My father is a far more prominent person; I've always remained low profile.

"Come more often to the club," he added just before I left. Well PPCM has a club where members entertain themselves with songs, dance and games. Honestly, I don't go there because it's always at night, and I'm not very sociable. Maybe when I retire, I'll think of joining them.

For now, I've to work... and maybe some day continue writing heavier stuff - romance novels, sex tips etc.


Reanaclaire said...

Congratulations KEV!! since this is your talented gift from God, make full use of it.. :)

Kev said...

Claire: Aww...shucks! Me talented? Well, I just do what I can, the best I can, when I can :) TQ for the positive comment.

Merryn said...

Congratulations! Can imagine you beaming with pride. That cash token definitely taken you by surprise eh? Good things come when you least expect it.

Am very proud of you :)

Kev said...

Yeah I was pride for a couple of hours.. people say that i'm famous already. And someone actually love my shirt!

The token was expected but the cash was something out of the blue.. hmm.

TQ for the positive comment. :)

Unknown said...

Congratulation!!..that's a gift from God..use it..

Caroline said...

Congratulations! :D

Jasline said...

congratulations too ^^