Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The final exams are over, and I've already entered all marks into the computerised system. I believe there aren't any mistakes as I've double-checked. Over here, there is NO ROOM for error when it comes to exams. OK, that's done.

I've another 10 days of break before the new trimester begins. I'm supposed to go to Sabah this weekend but my friend is too busy, so maybe next year. The entire corridor now has been deserted for days as staff have taken leave. I still have some stuff to settle. Once that's done, I'll see if there's a need to take leave.


Filing for the ISO:9001 is complete. What a waste of papers, and we're supposed to have the Go Green culture. Had a good lunch with the same colleagues I went out with yesterday. On normal class days, we go our separate ways, so there's no chance of eating together. Then I did some window shopping while waiting for the others to buy something from Parkson. Yeah, I enjoy window shopping occasionally - not too long though. I'm now back at the office after lunch, waiting for time to go home.

"Oh, your life is so easy going" you may think... yeah, for now. If it's so darn good, then everyone with the same qualification would want to be where I am now. Nevertheless, it's better than in some other organisations. I can't deny that.


Caroline said...

Hey y dnt just come?! lol! big celebration in Sabah this weekends! its Harvest Festival! =D

Kev said...

Oh it must be Pesta Kaamatan. Cool, I didn't know that. Next year la, then you can become my tour guide, if you're still there. :)